Machine Stress Rated Lumber Producers Council

(888) 848-5339

The Six Engineering Characteristics of Wood

The Big E and the Five Little f ’s

Engineering TermMeaning
E (Modulus of Elasticity) A wood board with two arrows pointing up from the bottom of the board on the left and right ends and a third arrow pointing down from the top in the middle of the baord. How much this sample will deflect under a given load.
Fb (Extreme fiber stress before failure occurs) A wood board with two arrows pointing up from the bottom of the board on the left and right ends and a third arrow pointing down from the top in the middle of the baord.

How much we can stress a member in bending before permanently rupturing fibers.

fcii (Compressive strength when loaded parallel to grain)

A wood board with two arrows pointing inward at each end.

How much load we can put on the member when loaded like this before rupturing fibers.

fv (Horizontal shear) Two boards are staggered, but connected on the long edge. An arrow points to the right toward the left edge of the top board and another arrow points left toward the right edge of the bottom board. The edge where the two boards were connected is labeled "Failure Plane".

How much load we can apply as shown before material will fail along the indicated failure plane.

Ft (Tensile strength parallel to grain) A board is shown with arrows pointing outward from each end of the board. The arrows indicate forces attempting to stretch the board. How much tension we can put this member under before failure.

Fc (Compressive strength loaded perpendicular to grain)

A board is shown with four arrows across the top ponting down at the long edge. Another four arrows are shown along the bottom pointing up. The arrows indicate forces crusing the board. How much load we can apply in this manner before actual crushing.
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