Machine Stress Rated Lumber Producers Council

(888) 848-5339

Design Values Comparison

Thanks for visiting the MSRLPC Design Values Comparison Tool. Please select a species using the form below to compare machine stress rated lumber reference design values with visually graded dimensional lumber.

Comparison Results

Select a species and size or grade by using the filters above to compare values.


Design value source data is listed below and indicated by superspript in the comparison results table above.

  2. Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB)
  3. National Lumber Grades Authority (NLGA)
  4. Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau (PLIB)
  1. Values pertain to MSR lumber graded using rules authorized by NELMA. For lumber graded using rules authorized by WWPA, Fv = 160 psi, Fc⊥ = 555 psi and G = 0.46.
  2. Values pertain to MSR lumber graded using rules authorized by WWPA. For lumber graded using rules authorized by WCLIB, Fv = 170 psi.
  3. Values pertain to MSR lumber graded using rules authorized by WWPA. For lumber graded using rules authorized by WCLIB, Fv = 140 psi.

MSRLPC believes that the info provided by these calculations are accurate and matches the design standards that are referenced by U.S. building codes.

No responsibility is assumed by MSRLPC or any of its members for a particular design prepared from this comparison. The user of this comparison tool assumes all liability and holds MSRLPC harmless from its use.

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