Machine Stress Rated Lumber Producers Council

(888) 848-5339


Established in 1987, the MSR Lumber Producers Council (MSRLPC) represents the interests of machine stress rated lumber producers in the manufacturing, marketing, promotion, utilization, and technical aspects of MSR and MEL lumber.

Receipt of this survey is a benefit of membership in MSRLPC. Here is a sample of the 2015 survey, showing the first 9 pages of the report.

Including all the major MSR lumber producers in North America, the MSRLPC serves an industry that produces more than 1 billion board feet of MSR lumber annually in North America. Emphasizing its higher quality, longer spans, and better lifetime performance, we seek to promote the benefits of using MSR lumber and expand the markets for its use.

In 1994, the MSR Lumber Producers Council (MSRLPC) began tracking the progress of the Machine Stress Rated lumber industry and publishing an annual production survey. Including responses from all the major MSR producers in North America, this annual production survey is a tool for monitoring the progress of the MSR lumber industry in North America and promoting the use of MSR lumber worldwide. The species group designations reported in the survey are Douglas Fir-Larch (DFL), Hem-Fir (HF), Spruce-Pine-Fir (SPF), and Southern Yellow Pine (SYP).

The MSRLPC invites all MSR lumber producers and equipment manufacturers to join as Regular members. Suppliers, customers, and professionals may choose Associate membership. If you’d like to learn more about MSRLPC and its members, please email us at, or call us at 888-848-5339. To become a member, fill out the membership application form and submit to us via email.

Benefits of MSRLPC Membership

Established in 1987, the MSR Lumber Producers Council (MSRLPC) represents the interests of machine stress rated lumber producers in the manufacturing, marketing, promotion, utilization, and technical aspects of MSR and MEL lumber.

Including all the major MSR lumber producers in North America, the MSRLPC serves an industry that produces more than 1 billion board feet of MSR lumber annually in North America. Emphasizing its higher quality, longer spans, and better lifetime performance, we seek to promote the benefits of using MSR lumber and expand the markets for its use.

Online Marketing

Regular members are able to include their mill information in our online database, which is searchable by species, grade and size. Through investment in Google analytics, this webpage will show up in the top ten results when users search the term “MSR lumber”.

The MSRLPC website also lists all member contact information to increase the generation of sales leads.

Finally, we are building a library of resources so our website can be a third-party, one-stop-shop for information on MSR lumber.

Networking Opportunities

Membership supports the ability to put on the annual MSR Workshop, which brings together members of the entire lumber supply chain, from production and grading to sales and distribution to end users, and offers a unique opportunity for participants to directly network and gain a broader perspective on the MSR market and opportunities for growth.

There is not another event like this that is focused exclusively on topics of interest to MSR lumber producers and end users.

Reliable Market Data

Each year, the MSRLPC gathers production data from almost every MSR mill in North America and compiles the data anonymously to generate aggregate production numbers for every species, size and grade of MSR produced. There is no other place to get such information, and it is only available to MSR members.


One of the primary missions of the MSR Lumber Producers Council (MSRLPC) is to educate the marketplace on the benefits and uses of MSR lumber.

Join Today!

The MSRLPC invites all MSR lumber producers and equipment manufacturers to join as Regular members. Suppliers, customers, and professionals may join as Associate members. If you’d like to learn more about MSRLPC and its members, please email us at, or call us at 888-848-5339. To become a member, fill out the membership application form.


“There is no question that the MSR Lumber Producers Council meetings are worth your time to attend. Understanding the MSR market has helped my company grow during these trying times. The information you will receive from the guest speakers and members of the Council is unparalleled!”

Sean Kelly, Automated Products Inc.

“Because we can be confident in the higher design values and deflection properties of MSR, we can often use fewer trusses in the floor system as a whole – placing components 19.2 inches on center instead of 16. Less lineal footage of product to install means a lower installed cost, while delivering a high performance floor that doesn’t sacrifice loading capacity.”

“Workshop participants enjoy the conversations they have while attending. They’re able to sit down with different groups within the industry for valuable discussions. And there’s so much comradery with old and new friends alike. It’s always nice to touch base with everyone again and feel like you’ve got the pulse of things.”

“Getting out to a sawmill is a great reminder that this industry is not just a numbers game. These outing provide good perspective and it’s nice to come back and get together with the group to discuss what we saw and learned.”

Jim Brown, Metropolitan Lumber Company

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2023 MSR Lumber Producers Council.

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